Registrations for the 2024 season have now closed. Please email the club for all enquiries.

2024 Training Days and Times

7-9 Years (born 2015, 16, 17)
Wednesdays - 4 - 5.30 pm (1 hour within this time window)

10 Years (born 2014)
Wednesdays - 5 - 6 pm

11 Years (born 2013)
Tuesdays 5.30 - 7 pm

12 Years (born 2012)
Tuesdays 4 - 5.30 pm

Intermediates (born 2010, 2011)
Tuesdays 4 - 7.30 pm (Teams 1 and 2(3) 4-5.30 pm (to accommodate rep players), Teams (3)4-7 5.30-7.30 pm (1 1/2 hours within this time window)

Cadets (born 2007, 2008, 2009)
Wednesdays 6 - 7.30 pm

Opens - (born 2006 or earlier)
Wednesdays 7 - 8.30 pm


7-9 years:  $335

10, 11, 12 years and Inters:  $345

Cadets and Opens:  $375

Should you wish to withdraw your registration after you have registered and paid, the refund will be dependant on when you withdraw.

Please see our by-laws for our refund policy.

Payment Plans and FairPlay Vouchers

Our Club offers payment plans and accepts FairPlay Vouchers. Please email the Club treasurer for payment plan options and see eligibility for FairPlay Vouchers click here.